Today I thought of doing another teaser week, this one is about how girl are payed unfairly, and it is true because not many girl play like rugby, and some boys say girls cant play rugby, and some girls say boys cant play netball, and they are wrong because i play rugby, and men beat the women in netball.
Teaser Week
I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 7 and in 2021 I will be a year 8. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Thursday, 12 December 2019
Activity 2: Equal Pay for Equal Work?
Wednesday, 11 December 2019
Activity 2: When the Rubber Hits the Road
Today I thought of doing the Teaser Week Year 6-8, it is about a rain forest in south America that people are cutting down the trees that they dont have permission to cut down, I have done one so far and i have found it fun to do.
Miss Goslin: nearly surviving one year of teaching
Aone: finishing primary
Miss Williamson: The progress that everyone here has made.
Miss Goslin: nearly surviving one year of teaching
Aone: finishing primary
Miss Williamson: The progress that everyone here has made.
Tuesday, 10 December 2019
Ginger Bread House
Today and last math session we had to find that clues that were on the piece of paper, I noticed that i put the words down in order if the answers but that bid not word. I found it hard to do the 4 clue, I found it easy to do the 3 clue.
Thursday, 5 December 2019
Activity 2: Exploring Our Roots
Today I decided to do one of the Weekly Teasers for the summer learning journey, so far I have found it fun to do, and I have used something else called game froot game froot is where you can create your work on something different, and you can create game on it to that i find really cool.
you should try it out.
would you use game froot?
you should try it out.
would you use game froot?
Talking About Phishing
This week and last week we had to talk about phishing, so you need to look for the lock on the wed title and if it has a triangle with a Exclamation mark in it the means it is fake or unsafe, we had to look on this site called tree octopus that looks real, but it is fake news they try really hard to make them real, I noticed that they can look really weird.
Do you think this fake or real?
are you going to try it?
Tree Octopus
Do you think this fake or real?
are you going to try it?
Tree Octopus
Tuesday, 3 December 2019
Te Reo Maori
This week and last week my homeroom have been doing A children book for the year 1-3 group so they can learn some Te Reo, I noticed that most people were doing a book for the ting that they have to find, I found it hard to do the Maori word's, I found it easy to make the people and book in the right place.
Trick, Bride and Secret
Bride: A bribe is a someone tells you to like touch something or like do this and they will give you something for it.
So if i came up to you and said if you touch that live cable and I will give you $100.
What would you do?
What would you do?
Trick: A Trick is when someone says for you to go in your car and said that your mother or father is sick and said for me to pick you up.
What would you do?
Secret: A secret is if you said to someone that you stole something from someone or someplace.
So if you friend came up to you and said i have been steeling toys from the warehouse.
What would you do?
So if you friend came up to you and said i have been steeling toys from the warehouse.
What would you do?
Tuesday, 19 November 2019
Tea Cups
Today In math's we had to do an activity about making the tea cups, I noticed that it was hard, i found it hard make it current with the tea cups, I found it easy to make the plate in the right place,

Thursday, 14 November 2019
Letter To Toki
Today my group made a letter to Toki, we did it because it was one of the activity there was 3 a letter, the map and a comic strip, we have nearly done the comic strip, and we have finished the other ones.
Dear Toki
What is it like living in a rain forest.
Is it scary and did you ever want to live a normal life.
When you are older did you want to move into the city.
Also in your village did you pray to gods?
What is your favourite animal and why.. Is your leader related to you?
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
In your village do you eat animals? What is your village name.
Do you speak a different language?
Is it scary and did you ever want to live a normal life.
When you are older did you want to move into the city.
Also in your village did you pray to gods?
What is your favourite animal and why.. Is your leader related to you?
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
In your village do you eat animals? What is your village name.
Do you speak a different language?
From Nirvana, Carla and Teagen.
Village Map
Yesterday we had to make a village map for Toki and his friends because we had an activity that involved making a map, I found it hard to make the animals. I found i easy to make the path,
Decision Making Tree
Today we had to finish an activity on how to stay safe where in the situation: were its Inappropriate touching, we have been doing this so we know what to do in a situation like this, I found it hard to think of the negative for them, I found it easy to think of the positive,
Tuesday, 12 November 2019
Vincent Van Gogh
Today we had to do activity about anything on the google slide and I choose Vincent Van Gogh. We had to do a word search about Vincent Van Gogh. The other things we did were. I read about him in a google slide that my teacher made for as. Here are some facts about him, he was in 1853 in the Netherlands. He only started painting at the age of 27, He was close friends with Pail Gauguin.
Monday, 11 November 2019
Surfing Trip
Friday the 9th of November the year 5 and 6 went on a surfing trip to Sumner beach. When we got there we had to sit on a tarp and listen for the instructions so we knew what to do. After that we got in to lines in our homeroom and got sorted into groups. There were Seals and Dolphins. I got put in the seals group. My Dad came on the trip with us to help everyone to get on the surf board and to help with the boogie board. I nearly could stand up on the board. I loved surfing and I recommend you go and try it. There were, I think, 7 people to help us. My favourite person was my instructor.
Wednesday, 6 November 2019
Zebra Art
Yesterday we did a a couple of art activity, There was 2 one with painting and another one were you had to colour a zebra, I noticed that i only colored one part of that zebras. I found it easy to glue in the paper. I found it hard to pick the colour's. We learned about the warm and cool colour with the elements of art
Tuesday, 5 November 2019
Homeroom Time : Blue Zone Poster
Today in homeroom time we had to do this activity, where you had to put emojis of what you thought what would fit in the place. I noticed that the sad one is a small picture then the other ones. The tool mean where you can come back to the green zone, We did this because where if you where in the blue zone, you can try and get back into the green zone.
Friday, 1 November 2019
Where Is? In Moari
Today in homeroom time we had to do an activity, where you had to put the words in the empty spot. I found it hard to do the kuri word one.
My own one:|
Kei Hea te plane?
Kei Hea a friend?
My own one:|
Kei Hea te plane?
Kei Hea a friend?
Spiraling Decimals
Today in math's we had to do a spiraling decimals, where you need a bubby, and the two of you have to think of the same number, to win you have to do all the numbers in the same place. I found it easy to do the big numbers. I found it hard to do the small numbers.
Can you work out a winning strategy?
Answer: yes you can
Does it matter who goes first?
Answer: No
Does It matter witch number you choose first?
Answer: I don't know.
Can you work out a winning strategy?
Answer: yes you can
Does it matter who goes first?
Answer: No
Does It matter witch number you choose first?
Answer: I don't know.
Friday, 25 October 2019
Clock Collage
Today and last week we had to make a clock and, when you are done you have to make a pic collage. I noticed half of the people do not know how to make a pic collage. I found i easy to do glue to stick the numbers on the plate, I found it hard to do the pin in the middle.
Ordering People In Colour
Today and yesterday we had to do an activity, where you had to put the missing numbers in, I noticed that the hardest ones were the green people, I noticed that the red colour people were the easy one out them all. I found it easy to do the red colour people, I found It hard to do the green people.
Thursday, 24 October 2019
Miracles Recovery
This week and last week we have been doing moment In time, My moment in time is about when you get hurt playing rugby, I noticed that i have never been hurt in rugby but, i am making a story about when you get hurt in rugby. Miracles is when you get hurt badly and you recover really fast so if you break you arm and, it supposed to heal in 4 week and then it heals in 2 weeks.
My work |
Do you ever feel like your going to puke but then you can't, because I feel like I have that feeling with that bad feeling in you stomach or it could be butterflies, good night as I fall asleep.
My work |
Boom! Went the ball as it smashed into my head. I am on the field playing rugby. The crash made me feel sick to my stomach. all the time I get takel and get the biggest knock on the head.
Man, it's like a bird flying around my head you know like in the movies. There Is five they must be tired, do you smell that someone farted man what did they eat. I think I know who did the train... ME … The train is like a dog wet.
Do you ever feel like your going to puke but then you can't, because I feel like I have that feeling with that bad feeling in you stomach or it could be butterflies, good night as I fall asleep.
Tuesday, 22 October 2019
St Andrews College Visit
Last week on Friday St Andrews College came to visit for a fundraiser, so they can get credits so they can pass the year, none of them knew us at all, they just thought of a school and made some money for us to have a hot dog each, and a juice they brought us some sports gear for us to play with.
We are so thankful for the sports gear, and the activity and the food and the juice.
We are so thankful for the sports gear, and the activity and the food and the juice.
Friday, 18 October 2019
Tuesday, 15 October 2019
Flower Calendar Art
Hi Today I have been doing calendar art with flowers, First we had to do the plan on the piece of paper, then we had to put it on the card paper, next we had to outline the sketch of our art, and the stage most people are at the dying stage jk, we have to put the dye in the right place, Miss Williamson had to help us with the dying. I found it easy to do the sketch. I found It hard to do the dying. I noticed that the dye can make different colour's from what the colour's where.

Thursday, 26 September 2019
What Strengths Am I?
This past couple of days, we had to make a strengths of what you are, first we had to pick five than out of the five we had to pick 3, My strengths are Bravery, Spirituality and Appreciation of Beauty. I found It easy to pick the five. I found It hard to pick just three out of the five.
Letter To Jacinda Ardern (Not Done)
For the last couple for days I have been writing a letter for Jacinda Ardern. I read a story of her saying she wants free lunches in same school. I found it easy to create the stereotype. I found It hard to think of the story behind it.
My work: Dear Jacinda Ardern
My work: Dear Jacinda Ardern
The Idea of the free lunch for kids is a good idea, But there is one thing some kids may not even go to school and are starving because of other,
Monday, 9 September 2019
Today In math we had to complete an activity, with hydroslide, I noticed that the ultimate it the longest slide. I found It easy to now how long the ultimate Is. I found it hard to think off how long to get down the speeder.
Friday, 6 September 2019
Perdicted Temperature In Christchurch 6-12 September
Today in math's, we had to make a line graph. The line graph was about the temperature In Christchurch, I noticed that the highest was on Thursday. I found it easy to make the lines in the graph. I found It hard to spell Temperate.
Friday, 30 August 2019
Mission To Mars
The past 3 weeks we had to make our presentation, The presentation was about how you get to Mars and stuff like that. My group was Emma, Harmony and Joslyne my task was to make the Transport, Entertainment and Water. I found It easy to make the water. I found It hard to do transport.
Line Graph
Today In math's we had to make a line graph I noticed that It going up then its going down and the a big turn to go up, and go down again. I found it easy to found the number. I found it hard to make the line straight.
Wednesday, 21 August 2019
Brainstorm - Whero
This week we had to make a brainstorm of what a role model is From our perspective. A role model is someone that you stick up to. I found it easy to do the research. I found it hard to think of my role model.

Friday, 16 August 2019
Crazy Dream
This Term my literacy class we had to make a story that Is description on this photo with kids on a plane wing
Ah. so relaxing the view is so good, with my apple juice in my hand let's have a nap. (In my dream) We woke up on the wing of the plane. We am supposed to go to america. We had like 5 hours to go. Ay. We have a wedding tomorrow we what be able to go now.
Freezing, I said to myself.
Then my mum said ¨ Time to get up¨ so I count up to 10 then I got up .
And got ready.
After I had breakfast.
My mum said ¨get up Carla and Jay¨ with an anger voice.
Now Carla and Jay are anger and In a mood.
10 min later.
We are that school we are all cooled.
Now just all doring school.
Work well not all of It Is doring. At morning tea.
Carla, Aone, Isabella, Rarika, Angela and Me went, on the field and made our heads all freeze up.
Aone, Isabella, Rarika and Angela, are my friend
like we have know control of our body.
Next Day.
It was just as bad as yesterday, but not as bad.
Now I still feel blistering cold.
As we get to school I hear The grass crushing, when I walk I on It.
The past few weeks we had to do a Diorama. A Diorama is a 3D photo, you can make things move, and be really creative. I found it easy to plan my Diorama. I found it hard to make the color.
Hows the weather?
This term we had to do a canva, canva is a app where you can make posters well that's what we us it for. I found it easy to do the background. I found it hard to do the photos because you can not make your own photos. here is the link to canva
Strand Math's P-2 What hair colour?
Last week and this week we had to do a really fun. I notice that Ginger is the less hair color. I notice that Black i the most out of all. I found it hard to do the graph. I found it easy to do the colouring.
Thursday, 15 August 2019
Save Pluto
for literacy my group and I had to make a thing that said save Pluto or something
else like that my buddy was Keah i found this kinda fun. I found it hard to agree with the colour. I found it easy to think of what we where going to put as the words here it is.
else like that my buddy was Keah i found this kinda fun. I found it hard to agree with the colour. I found it easy to think of what we where going to put as the words here it is.
Monday, 12 August 2019
Neon Aliens Ate My Homework
Today we had to do a drawing, of what we would see in the poem in our mind. The poem was about a boy and a Alien. That the boy had to get his homework out to make the alien let him go. I found It hard to do the Alien. I found It easy to do the boys head.

Tuesday, 6 August 2019
First Light:The History of Telescopes
Today In reading we had to make a Telescope on paper or on a Chromebook. The story was about two types of Telescope a reflecting Telescope or Refracting Telescope. In the story it has a fact about you could see the moons on mars. I found it easy to do the out line. I found It hard to do the big words.
Friday, 2 August 2019
How Many Sidling? POT.2
For math we made a tally chart so we could write down how meany people in our class had sibling there wore loads of people that have bothers and people that have sisters and there was only a tiny bit of people that are the only child and it was hard to make the chart and the easy thing was counting how meany people this is my bar graph.
Friday, 26 July 2019
Brain teaser 3
Today for math we had to come up with an answer for the picture below she basically what we did is we had to use pacific numbers and equations to make up and answer to 142 so basically the martian marshals had to arrange seating for 142 others and we had to do the question you'll see how I done it but I done this in a group Nirvana,Carla,Hollie and Ayla were in my group.
I found it hard to come up with the exact answer without using mixed equations.
I found it easy to do all the equations with them being mixed.
I found it hard to come up with the exact answer without using mixed equations.
I found it easy to do all the equations with them being mixed.
Today for strand Math's we have been learning about Statistic. Statistic is about graphs and charts. We asked the question, How do people get to school in P.O.T 2 get to school? We did a tally chart, then a bar graph. I found it easy to do the bar graph. I found it hard to do the tally chart.
Thursday, 25 July 2019
The Dust
This week we had to do a describe writing about the solar system. I did my one about the moon. I found it hard to do the facts. I found it easy to do that start the writing.
If I were to visit the moon I would feel like an astronaut.
Seeing the earth and all other planets.
I think they are a sphere which is round.
I was just wondering if the moon has volcanoes because it looks like it does?
I have a fact about the moon that the moon is the only earth's natural satellite.
Really cool right.
If you are wondering what I am you can think of me as a monster, well that's what everyone calls me.
Okay i am a human.
That lives on the moon with moonmans.
Tuesday, 23 July 2019
Sid's Schemes
Today of math's, we had to do another Math's Starter Of The Day, Math's Starter of the Day is about when you have to do a Math's question, it and be about Math's and some of them are hard or you don't under stand.
1.A 20% pay rise today followed bye a 20% cut next week.
2.An $18 one time bonus.
3.A $2 gift each day for the next nine days.
I chose number 3 because each day you get 2 more dollars the usually for nine days.
1.A 20% pay rise today followed bye a 20% cut next week.
2.An $18 one time bonus.
3.A $2 gift each day for the next nine days.
I chose number 3 because each day you get 2 more dollars the usually for nine days.
Friday, 5 July 2019
In Writing we had to do what Punctuation Is. I found It hard to do the word art. I found it easy to do the question mark.
Lime Scooter
This term we had to do Digi Awards, my bubby Emma is the main character. I found It hard to do the boby. I found It easy to do the lime scooter. If you have any feedback please comment?
This term we had to do a pehepa about our family, It took me at lest two days to do my face. I found it hard to do my Dads eyes because he has blue eyes. I found it easy to do my Mums face.
Today in Math's we had to do term two Reflection. the most thing i bid not under stand was the drawing. I found It easy to do the people power. I found It hard to do the drawing part.
Thursday, 4 July 2019
What do they Calabrtion
Today in reading we had to do what everyone celebration. Who they celebrate with? What do they share when they are celebrating? I found It easy to do the White Sunday in Samoa. I found hard to do the Celebrating Puanga at Romonui.
Matariki Star
Today in math's we had to do matatriki stars. my favourite thing was doing the star look. I found It easy to do the circle. I found It hard to do the pattern.
Monday, 1 July 2019
Bad Behavior should be Banned
Today In Writing we had to do a Persuade Writing, I found it easy to think of the title. I found It hard to do the paragraphs.
I will be discussing the reason why Bad Behavior should be Banned.
In my opinion,children should not be allowed to say swear to anyone, not even there friends.
The most important reason is that after school, you would have a child, that would be all mad and not what to go to school. And It is the most thing I hear when I go to pick up my child, and even the smallest word can be powerful.
Another point is that children, have a whole life to follow and are role models to the little ones. And now they are going to swear when they are older.
Finally, everyone behavior should be positive no matter what. Because when they are older they will not now some of the over stuff.
I therefore believe that no school should let people swear in school. Or even after school, with my child she will not be allowed to swear, until she is 11 years old.
Thursday, 27 June 2019
Group Problem Solve's Week 9
Today In math's, we had to do another Group Problem Solve's. We had to see If It was true or never true. most of my answer was yes there was five true answer. I found It hard to do the doubling ones. I found It easy to do the first one.
Thursday, 20 June 2019
This week In Writing we had to do a Punctuation poster. I found It easy to do the activities for each of them. I found It hard to make the description of It.
Amazing Mazes
Today In Math's my group had to do another Group Problem Solve, but today It was different. We had to do a maze to see what the highest in our group was,
My answer was 95.
Carla my bubby got 85.
Nirvana my bubby got 95.
Hollie my bubby got 42.
My lowest was 94.
My answer was 95.
Carla my bubby got 85.
Nirvana my bubby got 95.
Hollie my bubby got 42.
My lowest was 94.
Friday, 14 June 2019
Imaginative Creature
Today In Inquiry we had to pick a activity with was to make a Imaginative Creature, fact file of two creature, description of two creatures, design a pair of shoes, Use persuasive language to persuade, create a persuasive advert for their design of the shoes. I found easy to make the creature, I found It hard to make the description.
Wednesday, 12 June 2019
Today In literacy we had to do a Haiku poem. With the haiku poem we had to express are feelings with winter and jack frost.
Snowflakes all around.
The river, flows under ice.
My world has turned white.
Thursday, 6 June 2019
Today in Mathis, We had to do a Group Problem Solve.
I found It easy to do the color pattern.
I found It had to do the pattern.
My bubby was Hollie and Nirvana.
My answer was 99
I found It easy to do the color pattern.
I found It had to do the pattern.
My bubby was Hollie and Nirvana.
My answer was 99
Monday, 27 May 2019
How many liters In the pool
In math's today we had to do a coke pool thing, Where we had to estimate how many liters are in the coke pool. and My answer was That there Is 1000 liters In the coke pool.
Friday, 24 May 2019
Direction Mathis
Today In math's we had to do this Direction thing.
I found It hard to make It right with each word.
I found It easy to found The word to fit It.
I found It hard to make It right with each word.
I found It easy to found The word to fit It.
Thursday, 23 May 2019
Math's Triangle
This week in Math's we had to do This Triangle thing.
We had to make a Triangle that add up to ten with the numbers that touch.
I found It hard to make the Triangle.
I found It easy to add the numbers up.
We had to make a Triangle that add up to ten with the numbers that touch.
I found It hard to make the Triangle.
I found It easy to add the numbers up.
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