
Thursday 12 December 2019

Activity 2: Equal Pay for Equal Work?

Today I thought of doing another teaser week, this one is about how girl are payed unfairly, and it is true because not many girl play like rugby, and some boys say girls cant play rugby, and some girls say boys cant play netball, and they are wrong because i play rugby, and men beat the women in netball.
Teaser Week

1 comment:

  1. Hi Teagen!

    My name is Mikey. I'm a part of the Summer Learning Journey team this year and I'll be commenting on some of your wonderful blog posts over the summer holiday. I'm so glad to see that you've given the teaser week activities a go - well done! :)

    You're right, some girls do play rugby and some boys do play netball. It's completely up to the individual what sport they like to play, isn't it? What position do you play in rugby?

    You've made a great attempt at this activity Teagen but remember to read the tasks carefully. If you go back and check you'll see that this particular activity asks you to give your opinion on whether or not women should be paid the same as men. Would you like to give it another go? I'd love to hear what you think about the issue.

    Bye for now,

    Mikey :)


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