Hi today I am going to tell you what i have been doing in hurumanu 1.
We are learning about Parihaka, while making a Dlo about them.
Parihaka is a small town that was made in 1860's, the town was made for peace. the leaders were Te Whiti-o-Rongomai and Tohu Kākahi.
Here is parihaka:
I found this activity kind of hard to make cause we had to get lots of information and then put it into a small Dlo.
While thats happing we had to listen to the teacher talking a lot on parihaka.
Heres my work:
If you have any feed back or what I need to improve please comment it.
Kia ora Teagen, I enjoyed reading your DLO, it is really clear and easy to follow and you have included many facts for your reader to learn about Parihaka. Why did Te Whiti and Tohu establish Parihaka? this is an important fact that you could add in. Can you help me out by telling me what would work better because I know it's not much fun to listen to your teachers talking for a long time, how could I make it better?