
Thursday 26 September 2019

What Strengths Am I?

This past couple of days, we had to make a strengths of what you are, first we had to pick five than out of the five we had to pick 3, My strengths are Bravery, Spirituality and Appreciation of Beauty. I found It easy to pick the five. I found It hard to pick just three out of the five.

Letter To Jacinda Ardern (Not Done)

For the last couple for days I have been writing a letter for Jacinda Ardern. I read a story of her saying she wants free lunches in same school. I found it easy to create the stereotype. I found It hard to think of the story behind it.
My work: Dear Jacinda Ardern

The Idea of the free lunch for kids is a good idea, But there is one thing some kids may not even go to school and are starving because of other, 

Monday 9 September 2019


Today In math we had to complete an activity, with hydroslide, I noticed that the ultimate it the longest slide. I found It easy to now how long the ultimate Is. I found it hard to think off how long to get down the speeder.

Friday 6 September 2019

Perdicted Temperature In Christchurch 6-12 September

Today in math's, we had to make a line graph. The line graph was about the temperature In Christchurch, I noticed that the highest was on Thursday. I found it easy to make the lines in the graph. I found It hard to spell Temperate.