
Wednesday 7 July 2021

Measuring Coke And mentos

I want to find out how many bubbles are made when mentos is dropped in coke.

  • Coke,coke zero, sprite
  • Mentos
  • Measuring cylinder (100ml) (10ml)
  • Safety glasses
  • Detergent
  • small beaker
  1. get the equipment.
  2. put on your glasses.
  3. pour 20ml of coke  in the 100ml.
  4. add 5ml of detergent to the coke.
  5. add the mentos.
CokeCoke zeroSprite
Height of bubbles40ml45ml70ml

I found out how high the bubbles went when  you add coke, coke zero and sprite with detergent and then put a mentos in sprite was the highest in the experiment.

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